Archive for the ‘-=News=-’ Category


Downtime & Server Move

August 23, 2009

EDIT: Forums are up. Can’t see them? Your DNS probably hasn’t updated yet.

1. Clear browser cache

2. Clear system DNS by opening a command prompt and entering “ipconfig /flushdns”

3. If you are using external DNS services makes sure your A records are updated to point to

If you are still having issues, please post in the support forum.


A quick fix is to change your HOSTS file…

See for details.

Just add

on a blank line. (You might want to change it back later, in case the ip changes again)

Wow… my luck really is crappy.

Anyway… we’ve become too popular for our own good! The blog finally reached it’s cpu limit on Xtreemhost (yeah… that’s not saying much). What really gets me is how it happens on the exact day of our scheduled forum downtime for a server move (Hosted by HostHelpers, a MUCH better service — just a little unlucky when it comes to us and timing).

Forums should be up later today. This blog is only temporary, Dantarion has offered us hosting — once we are under his services… we’ll be back to our old setup.


KC:MM Wants YOU to Show Your Moves

August 4, 2009

Hello all and welcome I am MXXD and I have an exciting announcement for all of you. Have you ever wondered how good the team and the hacking community is at Brawl+? Well then here’s some good news KC:MM will be hosting a Brawl+ Tournament for all to come and test their skills. The Tournament Will be held on August 12 2:30 P.M. EST (use this to find your time Here is a link for the sign-up: , make sure you read the rules and be knoledgeable about them. If you don’t that might cost you the win. BUT enough of the boring stuff let’s get to the prizes:

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KC:MM Wants YOU to Show Your Moves

August 4, 2009

Hello all and welcome I am MXXD and I have an exciting announcement for all of you. Have you ever wondered how good the team and the hacking community is at Brawl+? Well then here’s some good news KC:MM will be hosting a Brawl+ Tournament for all to come and test their skills. The Tournament Will be held on August 12 2:30 P.M. EST (use this to find your time Here is a link for the sign-up: , make sure you read the rules and be knoledgeable about them. If you don’t that might cost you the win. BUT enough of the boring stuff let’s get to the prizes:

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A Tale of Two Kitties

August 3, 2009

Two teams. One common genesis.

Why didn’t we think of this before?

Announcing the merger of Kitty Corp and Meow Mix!

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Attack Modification

August 3, 2009

Quick post… Phantom Wings has released the first version of Plan Zero / Project SA — a program that allows for editing of attacks.

Project Smash Attacks v.0.1 Beta

It’s not the easiest thing to do right now and there is little to no information aside from what is included in the zip. I have set up a forum for discussion / releases…

Attack Hacks Forum


Kitty Corp. Tryouts!

July 16, 2009

Wanna enter the awesuem Kitty Corp. team? Here’s your chance!

All you need to do is post one new texture, one old texture and you’re ready to go!

You have 2 weeks to make your textures (may be extended if necessary). After that, all active members of the team will evaluate your textures and announce the winner(s).

Good luck everyone!

Here is the thread, for everyone to participate:

And don’t forget to enter the banner contest too!


The Gallery is Open!

July 15, 2009

(As posted by Vyse)

Feast your eyes (and your SD card)!

As soon as you click that link (or the new button along the top), you’ll probably notice the site’s only main flaw: the banner. The header cuts it off. However, we have a solution: an art contest for you, the forum-goers.

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New Forum Redux

July 14, 2009

Ok, loaded up the backup and all… so we should be set. NOTHING LOST! ^_^

But before I let you guys go rabid over the link… lemme explain a little bit.

As Vyse explained earlier, our past two hosts were overrun by the traffic our gallery generated. So… THE GALLERY WILL NO LONGER BE PART OF OUR FORUM. Now, before anyone panics thinking we simply did away with it… no — it’ll be it’s own separate entity (a blog of it’s own) and details on it will be posted shortly. So leeches — BEGONE. (Actual forum goers, continue)
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For those wondering…

July 13, 2009

(As posted by Vyse in the forum)

This is what happened.
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Hosting? (Please use old forum… again)

July 12, 2009

Anyone out there know some good free hosts? Hopefully this post is just a precaution…

Just need the basics to run an SMF forum (mysql, php). We don’t use much disk space (at 14MB right now, mysql on the other hand is at 8MB itself). Bandwidth… about a gig a day. Cpu? I really don’t know how this stat works on the current host… but we are approaching that limit quickly.

Additionally, anyone who has ideas on how to optimize the forum to use less cpu… that would be much appreciated.

EDIT: Ok I lied. Now it’s urgent. As you can see… the host effectively killed us. Vyse might have one solution… and I have another… should be back up real soon, this time for a good long while.

For now… please use the old forums again. I am sorry for the inconvenience, we have made a backup of the current stuff. Nothing is lost.